Barcelona 2-7-2016
On Sunday 26 June there are 5 pigeons, basketed for the 3e ZLU flight Which 1 widower and 4 nest pigeons on eggs
1275 km discharge time: 11.15
wind direction NW 3 Turning to Zw Temp. 20 degrees
Registration's list drawn
- 1e Get 10-1200476 daughter inbred Safier Jelle jellema x Diana
- 2e Get 09-1762946 Zorro son Limoosje x the Marathon
Arrival times:
- 17.51 10-1200373 Dusk son of the "Tarzan" ( The Scam x Silver star ) x daughter Boerinneke Lao
- 18.42 10-1200476 daughter inbred Safier Jelle jellema x Diana
- 10.28 13-1736381 Sister of Black Beauty
Rash ZLU National
310e 426e1103e against 5239 pigeons (3/5)
Result international
756e 1114e 3253e against 17.729 pigeons (3/5)
Photo right after arriving home from my 1e Barcelona's dusk son of the "Tarzan"
My 2e Of Barcelona 10-1200476 daughter inbred Safier Jelle jellema x Diana