Limoges 2017

Limoges 3-6-2017

825 km discharge time: 13.30 hours

wind direction Sw W 2 Temp. 20 to 25 degrees

  • 1e Get. 14-1741601 The Veense Blue daughter Cabal Giant G & J Villaflor
  • 2e Get.15-1303206 Red Dawn son Red Jacobs x daughter John III

Arrival times:

  • 09.33 14-1741601 The Veense Blue daughter Cabal Giant G & J Villaflor
  • 10.38 15-1303266 Daughter Limo ( granddaughter Limoosje )
  • 11.11 15-1303206 Red Dawn son Red Jacobs x daughter John III


On Tuesday 30 May, a 8 pigeons basketed for the first overnight flight from 2017. On the first flight of the "long distance" is always a bit with fear and trembling basketed, also this time are there showers with thunderstorms predicted. In retrospect it can be seen that it is a very nice start of a new multiple-day long distance season. Because of the storm front they could not fly by and this rest period, the pigeons well done, they came fast and the competition closes within 3 hours after the first pigeon. Saturday morning at 09.33 hours the widow hen "the Veense Blue" 14-1741601 on the valve , What is good for a 11e place against 3285 pigeons in the total competition of afd. 9,10 and 11. This hen is a daughter of the super breeder Cabal Giant of Jaco Villaflor and went along on Limoges as 1st Comic, because they had already proved last year asked to be able to come up with a 14th. NAT Cahors and also she was 5th ACE pigeon VNCC about 3 flights

This hen was actually intended for Agen ZLU about 4 weeks. But because I 17 hens about have I at the last minute (Sunday ) decided to nonetheless Limoges have some hens select, first 7. But yeah still no proven pigeon, because they are all linked for Pau and Barcelona. But to 7 Pigeon waiting, still nothing or little have shown seemed to me not what. And I thought, I'll be there will still 1 good have to, What is worth the wait. And the wait was rewarded. Continue playing there are still a few pigeons on the outcome. So all in all satisfied with the 1st flight. "

NPO rash afd 9

8e 102e 176e ( 3/8)

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